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Wind farm noise solutions

Noise is one of the top challenges identified in obtaining permits for wind farm developments.

Why are noise solutions crucial for wind farms?

Noise is one of the top challenges identified in obtaining permits for wind farm developments.

Issues can vary depending on complex factors including aerodynamic noise, mechanical noise and weather conditions.

So it’s important to access expertise early in a project lifecycle to optimise outcomes and reduce costs.

Supported by an international team with 20+ years of wind farm experience, Trinity is uniquely qualified to deliver comprehensive noise solutions for onshore and offshore developments.

What are our noise mitigation solutions?

Trinity has delivered solutions for multiple largescale wind farm developments, including noise impact assessments, constraints studies, and site and route selection assessments. We have also offered expert testimony at planning and arbitration hearings.

Our noise mitigation strategies include a variety of the below. Please contact us for a list of prior projects.

Why Choose Trinity

Trinity capabilities

At Trinity, we offer comprehensive noise services to support wind farm developments at every stage of the project lifecycle.

Regulatory review

Data review

Noise modelling

Meteorological modelling

Peer reviews

Marine ecology and water quality

Noise impact assessment

Noise monitoring

Stakeholder consultation

Expert witness

How we work

Our Trinity noise engineers collaborate with developers and diverse project stakeholders to deliver optimal solutions for each unique environment.

Engaging our team early in the project enables us to investigate an acoustically optimal location for your wind turbines. It also allows us to recommend mitigation strategies to optimise operations and reduce the likelihood of complaints.

Talk to us today.

Trinity solutions

Lower Wonga, Queensland, Australia

Gold Coast, Queensland