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Cairns shipping upgrade air and noise

How we helped

Trinity provided the noise, vibration, air and greenhouse assessments for an environmental impact statement (EIS), managed by Flanagan Consulting. A major challenge for the air quality assessment was the high variability of ship emissions depending on power load, sulfur content of fuel and scrubber technology. Trinity completed substantial research and consultation to characterise the complex relationship of nitrogen oxides and suspended particulates with all three of these factors.

Our recommendations included use of marine diesel rather than fuel oil, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) controls on plant, long-term air monitoring in the vicinity of the wharf, and for the Cairns Plan to include a wharf overlay code to avoid inappropriate future encroachment. The Coordinator-General was satisfied with Trinity contributions to the EIS and supported the recommendations.

About the project

Trinity Inlet in Cairns is the location of a major wharf for cruise ships and a range of cargo vessels. Ports North proposed a major upgrade including deepening of the channel, placement of dredged material, more frequent and larger vessel access, and infrastructure changes.

These upgrades are intended to allow larger cruise ships to dock at the port with subsequent benefit to the local economy. For more information, see the Ports North website.

Please note, Trinity Consultants Australia is a merger of three former Queensland-founded businesses: ASK Consulting, Air Noise Environment, and Vision Environment. Many projects listed have been undertaken by current Trinity Consultants Australia team members, while operating under those former business names. Learn more about our history.


Ports North




Cairns, Queensland



Ports and maritime

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